Silver Surfers: Surfing Guide in the Algarve

Welcome to the golden beaches of the Algarve, a place where the sun kisses the sea and the waves beckon surfers of all ages. If you’re a senior that ever considered surfing, you’ve come to the right place. Let’s dispel any doubts and show you why the Algarve is a fantastic choice for your surfing adventure.

Why Surfing is Great for Seniors?

Let’s talk about why surfing is the perfect pick for the golden years. It’s not just a sport; it’s a rejuvenating journey that’s gentle on your body and uplifting for your spirit.

  • Gentle on the Joints: Picture this: you, the surfboard, and the gentle roll of the waves. Surfing is a wonderfully low-impact exercise, making it kind to your joints. It’s the perfect way to stay active without the aches and pains that come with high-impact activities. So, whether you’re looking to stay fit or just have fun, surfing checks all the boxes.
  • A Soulful Connection with the Ocean: There’s something magical about the sea that just soothes the soul. When you surf, you’re not just catching waves; you’re connecting with nature in a profound way. It’s a mental escape that refreshes your mind, brings a sense of peace, and just makes you feel alive. Imagine the joy of floating on the ocean, the sun warming your face, and the rhythm of the water – it’s pure bliss.
  • Joining a Vibrant, Welcoming Community: Surfing is more than a solo ride; it’s your ticket to an amazing community. No matter your age, there’s a place for you among fellow wave enthusiasts. It’s a sport where stories, laughter, and tips are shared freely. And trust us, there’s nothing quite like the camaraderie of surfers. It’s a world where age is just a number, and the stoke is real.

But Am I not too old to start surfing?

First off, know this: the ocean doesn’t care about your birthdate. What matters is your enthusiasm, a bit of caution, and the desire to learn something new. So regardless of your age, it’s never too late to learn surfing. No matter if you are in your 40s, 50s or 60s, with the right approach and little bit of motivation catching a wave on a surfboard will be easier than you think. We’ve seen countless seniors hit the waves for the first time, and guess what? They rocked it!

How to start surfing as a senior?

Ready to dip your toes into the surfing world? Fantastic! Here’s a simple three-step guide to get you started on your surfing journey. Remember, every pro surfer once stood where you are now – at the exciting beginning.

  1. Engage in Basic Physical Activity: Before you jump into the waves, it’s a good idea to get your body moving with some basic physical activities. Think of gentle exercises like swimming, walking, or yoga to improve your flexibility, balance, and overall fitness. These activities will not only prep your body for surfing but also help you enjoy the sport more comfortably. Plus, they’re great for your health!
  2. Take a Surfing Lesson: There’s no substitute for learning from the experts. Book a lesson with a qualified instructor who understands the needs of senior beginners. They’ll teach you the basics – from paddling to popping up on your board – in a safe, supportive, and patient manner. Lessons are also a great way to learn about ocean safety, which is crucial for any surfer.
  3. Choose the Right Waves and Surf with the Community: As a beginner, especially as a senior, picking the right waves is key. Start with smaller, gentler waves that match your comfort and skill level. And don’t go it alone – join a community of surfers. Surfing with others isn’t just safer; it’s also a lot more fun.

Our older surfing students also have fun!

Senior Surfing Lessons in Lagos: Ride the Waves at Your Own Pace

Lagos is not just a paradise for young surfers; it’s a welcoming haven for the young at heart too. Our “Senior Surfing Lessons” are specially designed for those who want to embrace the waves later in life. Here’s why our lessons are just perfect for you:

  • Tailored Instruction: Our lessons are specifically tailored to the needs and abilities of seniors. This means a pace that suits you, with attention to comfort and safety.
  • Experienced Instructors: Learn from instructors who excel in teaching seniors. They’re patient, understanding, and skilled in making surfing accessible to all ages.
  • Friendly Environment: Our classes foster a supportive and friendly atmosphere. It’s a place where you can learn, laugh, and share your experiences with peers.
  • Focus on Safety: We prioritize your safety, ensuring that you learn in the most secure environment, with all necessary precautions in place.
  • Community Connection: Be part of a unique community where stories and experiences are shared, and new friendships are forged on the shores of Lagos.

So, why wait? Join our Senior Surfing Lessons in Lagos and turn those surfing dreams into thrilling reality. The ocean is calling – it’s never too late to answer!

Cost of the lesson is 50€ but we offer special price package: 100€ for 4 surf lessons in one month.

Join our WhatsApp community group for Senior surfers where we schedule lessons and share our experiences!