“We have a duty to care for the environment.”
By Lailah Gifty Akita

Sustainability at Algarve Watersport
At Algarve watersport camp we segregate the trash and waste from the camp that is picked up by the recycling company. Apart from that trash of the cars, we recycle with the local recycling firm.
Plastic mitigation strategy
We have installed water filters around the camp to offer free, quality water. We also created our own aluminium water bottles and we incentivize our customers to acquire them. Our goal: to help prevent plastic pollution.
Offsetting carbon footprint
Because traveling is an important part of the watersport culture, we need to be aware of more sustainable travel options to decrease the impact they have on the environment: we offset our carbon footprint by calculating our emissions and reducing them as much as we can. Our guests can do the same and offset their carbon footprint through the global forest fund: https://www.gff.global/
“We have a duty to care for the environment.”
By Lailah Gifty Akita

Sustainability at Algarve Watersport
At Algarve watersport camp we segregate the trash and waste from the camp that is picked up by the recycling company. Apart from that trash of the cars, we recycle with the local recycling firm.
Plastic mitigation strategy
We have installed water filters around the camp to offer free, quality water. We also created our own aluminium water bottles and we incentivize our customers to acquire them. Our goal: to help prevent plastic pollution.
Offsetting carbon footprint
Because traveling is an important part of the watersport culture, we need to be aware of more sustainable travel options to decrease the impact they have on the environment: we offset our carbon footprint by calculating our emissions and reducing them as much as we can. Our guests can do the same and offset their carbon footprint through the global forest fund: https://www.gff.global/
We plant trees monthly with reforestation who are supporting and planting trees in Monchique. Monchique is affected every year with devastating wildfires, which attention we bring to our guests.
Beach cleanups
On special days and after big swells, we organize beach clean-ups where guests can join us to pick plastics and trash from Lagos beaches.
Respectful surfing
We transmit our passion for the ocean and the sport to all of our students, talking about sustainability and respect for nature every week in our surf theory days, as well as about surf etiquette and respect for locals.

We plant trees monthly with reforestation who are supporting and planting trees in Monchique. Monchique is affected every year with devastating wildfires, which attention we bring to our guests.
Beach cleanups
On special days and after big swells, we organize beach clean-ups where guests can join us to pick plastics and trash from Lagos beaches.
Respectful surfing
We transmit our passion for the ocean and the sport to all of our students, talking about sustainability and respect for nature every week in our surf theory days, as well as about surf etiquette and respect for locals.

Watersport lessons for the local community
We offer discounted lessons to the local community of Lagos to share the awareness of the watersports and it’s opportunities for local communities in turims as in sport.
- surf lessons with a 50% discount
- SUP tours – first one free , later on 50% discount
- kitesurfing, wingfoiling and windsurfing lessons with 30% discount.
Sustainable watersport lessons
Our main goal is to give people a water sports experience, including educating them about sustainable spot and responsible environmental use.
Sustainable equipment
We choose to go with brads which are not just famous for their quality in terms of durability but also known for their involvement in sustainability goals in regards to environment and ocean protection.
Recycle of equipment
Irreparable equipment is not wasted but upcycled. We are working closely with some recycling companies together which are receiving our worn-out Kite material for free to recycle it to bags and purses. (@LeGold_Apparel)
Watersport lessons for the local community
We offer discounted lessons to the local community of Lagos to share the awareness of the watersports and it’s opportunities for local communities in turims as in sport.
Sustainable watersport lessons
Our main goal is to give people a water sports experience which also includes educating them about a sustainable spot and responsible environmental use.
Sustainable equipment
We choose to go with brads which are not just famous for their quality in terms of durability but also known for their involvement in sustainability goals in regards to environment and ocean protection.
Recycyle of equipment
Equipment that is irreparable are not wasted but upcycled. We are working closely with some recycle companies together which are receiving our worn-out Kite material for free to recycle it to bags and purses. (@LeGold_Apparel)